Update on guideline-compliant treatment of actinic keratosis

Webinar, 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Webinar on guideline-compliant treatment of actinic keratosisWatch now the video on-demand

The video is available in English.
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Access is exclusively reserved for physicians and partners who supported the event.

PD. Dr. med Cristina Mangas, PhD
Dermatologist Head of Section in Dermatology Department

Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale (EOC)
Bellinzona e Valli Regional Hospital (ORBV)
Head of Complex Cutaneous Tumor Center

– Exclusive insights into the new EU guideline on actinic keratosis
– Newest recommendations and their implications for clinical practice and therapeutic approaches
– Relevant complementary study data, advantages and disadvantages of the various treatment options

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